Happy Valentine’s Day!

“We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

It is hard to grasp that God’s love is the only reason I can love — He models it and empowers it. Oh, how lost I would be on so many levels without Him.

To demonstrate that a bit today, I went to my beloved Pinterest for ideas.

We had this for breakfast, with some yummo sliced peaches, just in season.













Scott loved it saying, “We should do this every year! It’s kind of like Christmas.” Twist my arm. So easy.

Then, I wanted to make some treats for Scott and for friends who have watched Lizzy for us, as a family. I was thinking about what I had on hand and got an idea.

Super easy. Now that my sugar coma has worn off, I can tell you about it.

  • Make Rice Krispie bars, according to your fav recipe…or on the box. I added 1 t of vanilla and think I found my new way of doing it. When the butter and marshmallow (love that word and spelling–maaaalloooow) have almost completely melted, add a few drops of red food coloring. Doesn’t take much to make it pink. Stir and add more coloring, if needed, until you get it the shade you want. Mine was more hot pink until I added the cereal, so that will dilute some of the color. Just a head’s up.
  • Mix together and pat into Pam-ed 9×13 pan.
  • Let cool.
  • Slide the huge rectangle ‘o goodness onto your clean counter or a bendable cutting board.
  • Take a heart-shaped cookie cutter and press all the way through the bars, until you feel the counter/cutting board.
  • Great news–the remnants aren’t just for the cook! You can push them together–lightly–to remove the gaps and use it for more hearts.
  • Enjoy!

My favorite Valentine!