What’s your Australia question?

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In honor of Australia Day this upcoming Monday, I thought it’d be a great time to take questions, if you have one. It could be about Aussie culture, food, does-the-toilet-bowl-really-flush-in-reverse? or whatever.

Our friend, Jayme from Lincoln, emailed to ask yesterday, “I have been wanting to ask if your kids are getting an accent or not?” Love that you asked that! Not yet. Well, wait. It seems like Lizzy’s picked up how the Aussies say “no” with an “r” at the end, like “nohr.” Pretty cute. Lizzy starts kinder (2-day pre-school for 2.5 hours each day) on Tuesday, Feb 2, so ask me after a few weeks of school.

Leave your question in the comments for this post, or you can email me, too.