What exactly does Angie do?

Have you ever been told you did something well only to dismiss the compliment, saying or thinking it wasn’t a big deal?

Heeding that compliment is a powerful way to catch a glimpse of your strengths or gifting by God. What comes easily to you often doesn’t come easily to others.

For followers of Jesus, we see that in 1 Corinthians 12. We’re all part of the Body of Christ, specifically and intentionally created with the roles He has in mind for us.

Did you know that missionaries can benefit from understanding better who they are, too?

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that God made me to identify needs and launch solutions with the heart of a recruiter who loves to connect people. And so I’m thrilled for this next dream God has stirred in my heart and now birthed.

My new role is on the missionary recruitment team with responsibilities similar to a hotel concierge service—where someone can walk up and find help with their specific needs. In our case, we’re calling it “Ministry Concierge Service for Moms.”

Adobe Spark

I’m available to help moms (Cru missionaries and those moms who are applying to join the ministry) see themselves with fresh eyes, looking at how God made her and what ministry is a good fit for her giftings and strengths.

This is exciting to me because when a person focuses on living out of her strengths, I’ve seen how everything and everyone benefits: the person, those around her (because of the joy produced) and, in our case, the mission moves forward because of her contribution.

Isn’t it amazing how God made us to need to invest ourselves in others? And also, others (people and the Church) do best when we invest in them.

A little team of us are beginning to meet one-to-one with Cru moms as they 1) move into Orlando from overseas or somewhere else in the U.S. or 2) are moving from one stage of life to another (maybe their kids, like mine, are now in school a bit and they’re looking to see where they might serve with some freed-up time they now have) or 3) those moms who are amidst an application process with her husband to join Cru.

A couple ways to pray:

  • Praise that God is moving and we get to be a part of Him working in the lives of missionary women for their benefit and for the lives of others they’ll touch!
  • (tomorrow!) Tuesday, Nov. 14th, I’ll have 15 minutes to speak at a women’s event, sharing some of my vision for this new ministry and extending an invitation for women to put their name down to meet with Lauren (photo above), myself or someone else on our team.
  • That God would continue to add more “coaches” to our team who walk women through the process of helping them find a good fit for them in ministry in their season of life.

P.S. If you’ve not done the Gallup Strength Finder assessment (one of the tools I use with those I’m meeting with) I can’t encourage you enough to consider it. The online assessment helps you discover your top 5 strengths (combination of skills, talents and knowledge) so you can learn and capitalize on how God’s “wired” you. Gallup research proves that people succeed when they focus on what they do best. Purchase it for only $20 here: https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/Purchase/en-US/Product?Path=Clifton%20StrengthsFinder

how are you wired?

Yes, it's
Yes, it’s “bundle-up-it’s-May” Melbourne. Fall is here, leaves are falling and I’m loving a bus ride and subsequent brisk walk to the office.

It’s been a great day in the office, working on recruitment. Most of today was spent emailing our ministry leaders and other natural recruiter-type folks to ask what resources they use when they invite someone to consider joining with us. A big proponent of not reinventing the wheel, I’m excited to gather and refine the best of what I can find, and then help to find ways to make them more accessible to our missionaries. The connector in me has loved today!

And since I love connecting people to people and people to resources, I thought I’d post a some resources I just assembled to hand out during our big recruiting event on Sat, May 30th. (We have 16 people coming, as of today and we’re thrilled, not knowing the response since we’ve never done anything like this 6-hour event. We’re praying for at least 4 more to come, for a total of 20.)

Part of the event will be providing some “white space” for people to have time and resources to consider how God’s created them. I’d highly encourage you to check at least one out, or tell someone you know who could benefit.

Feel free to leave a comment with any assessments or books you’ve found really helpful!

Strengths assessment: Gallup Strength-Finder

  • Cost: $10
  • Details: The online assessment helps you discover your top 5 strengths (combination of skills, talents and knowledge) so you can learn and capitalize on how God’s “wired” you. Gallup research proves that people succeed when they focus on what they do best. 

Personality assessment: Keirsey Temperament Sorter

  • Cost: Free
  • Details: A 70-question online assessment that’s takes 10-30 minutes to take and results are immediate.

Whole-person assessment: SHAPE

  • Cost: $6.50 for e-book by Erik Rees (Kindle version but you don’t have to have a Kindle to read as you can download onto your phone or computer.)
  • Details: E-book with assessment questions in the back. SHAPE encompasses 5 aspects of your life (see below). This guidebook is based on the purpose of ministry outlined in The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren.
  1. Spiritual Gifts: A set of special abilities that God has given you to share His love and serve others.
  2. Heart: The special passions God has given you so that you can glorify Him on earth.
  3. Abilities: The set of talents God gave you when you were born, which He also wants you to use to make an impact for him.
  4. Personality: The special way God wired you to navigate life and fulfill your unique Kingdom Purpose.
  5. Experiences: Those parts of your past, both positive and painful, which God intends to use in great ways.